Sunday, August 30, 2009
Real limited government, not feel good Limited Government
I am getting so sick and tired of hearing Conservatives and Republicans talk all this feel good nonsense of Limited government and low taxes when not once to I hear them talk about the true reason why the federal government is able to recieve its power to become Tyranical. It is called the 16th amendment.Thomas Jefferson has two quotes I love and they reflect the real intentions of our constitution and founding fathers belief in freedom and Liberty.#1 "A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government".#2"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it."I believe our founding Fathers and fellow countrymen for 140 years after our founding would be rolling over in their graves knowing the Government set up a System and Amendment so Vile and Tyranical that it Allows the government to Have control over your income, Enslave you to the federal government for a certain percentage of the year and threatens you with Property confiscation and or Jail time if you do not submit to that enslavement........This is Evil and it is Wrong.We need to start a massive push and Movement to Abolish the 16th Amendment and the IRS in it's Entirety and move to a national sales tax.Now if we moved to a national sales tax, the federal government would be forced into limitations. Limitations where it belongs. No longer will the federal government have the power to Confiscate your property or throw you in jail if you do not buy that gallon of milk today. No longer will they have control and regulation abilities over your Income...THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR. No longer will anyone Evade taxes because taxes are paid at the time when someone makes a purchase and the state and federal sales taxes will be run by each state. and if everyone pays the same percentage rate, the Rich will naturally pay more taxes because they naturally consume more, where the Poor will pay less taxes but the same percentage rate "Equal Justice under the law"Now I believe in our declaration of Independence and I believe that Punishing a man by taxing him at 35% because he became succesful and wealthy and then rewarding the man who is not successful by taxing him nothing, is also wrong and Evil. "All men are created Equal" Equal Justice under the Law"?Originally the federal government was set up to be very limited while the States held the most power. If the States can run their governments at 6 to 8% sales tax, then so can the federal government. Everyone rich and poor will pay the same Sales tax percentage rate. And then if the federal government decides to raise taxes or become bigger. It will be the entire country who will protest it rather than just the few who are taxed today.No one is entitled to another mans property or the fruits of his labor whether it is in the form of Medicaid, Medicare, foodstamps, Welfare, Housing, Etc. If I cannot steal a certain percentage of my neighbors income and then give it to my poor brother without going to jail, then where in Article 1 section 8 does the Federal government derive the power to Steal from my neighbor to give to my poor Brother?Theft is theft folks. It is Theft by the government in the form of the cover word called tax. We need to call theft and redistribution what it is........theft and redistribution.If people need food or help, they can go to a charity where the money was given, not stolen from another man.But Im asking each and everyone of you. If we wait too long, our window of opportunity to abolish this Tyranical Amendment to Steal our income and enslave us will be gone. We need to act and raise our voices. I cannot see any downsides to abolishing this Tyranical 16th amendment, only positives. Without this amendment, you will realize freedom and liberty well beyond what you know today. It will be like a breathe of fresh air to get you motivated to Fight against all the other forms of government tyranny. We need to spread the word, just like the 912 projects have worked. We demand that our representatives in congress and the senate Work immediately on the abolishement of the 16th amendment and IRS and the creation of a national sales tax or they are out of office. Fired.We also need to hold our reps feet to the fire. If any of Our reps in the senate or congress try to pass a bill or support a bill, We must always keep the pressure up and Ask them, "Where do you get the Authority to Pass or support this bill under Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution"? If he or she cannot Find the Authority or the Answer, then they should be FIRED. If they decide to become smart and say they are going off of the Commerce clause, Then we must ask them "Post 1937 Commerce Clause or Pre 1937 Commerce Clause"? If they chose post 1937 Commerce clause they should be Fired.
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